Events of 2004

  LAMNET Project Workshop in Viña del Mar, Chile, in the framework of the
  International Workshop 'Bioenergy for a Sustainable Development

Date and Time: 08/11/2004 - 09/11/2004
Casino de Viña del Mar

This conference was jointly organised by the P.-Catholic University of
Valparaiso - School of Biochemical Engineering, the European Biomass
Industry Association and the LAMNET project.

The aim of this international workshop was to promote and improve the
knowledge of bioenergies in Chile and in the world as a key tool for
sustainable development, and for contributing to the development of clean
technologies and the improvement of the quality of the environment.
Additionally, this event provided a forum to discuss policies and
regulations related to the use and development of alternative sources of
energy in Chile and in the world.

Programme of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Vinã del Mar

Presentations of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Vinã del Mar click here

  LAMNET Roundtable - Global Network on Bioenergy
  Biomass for a strategic Energy supply in China

Date and Time: 03/11/2004
Beijing Continental Grand Hotel

The LAMNET Roundtable – Global Network on Bioenergy met in Beijing, China to discuss cooperative efforts in the field of bioenergy between Chinese and European Biomass experts. The roundtable brought together top experts to continue the effort to promote schemes for Bioenergy strategies and implementations in China.

Programme of the LAMNET Roundtable in Beijing

Presentations of the LAMNET Roundtable in Beijing click here 

  LAMNET Project Workshop in Caracas - 'Biomass Opportunities in Venezuela'

Date and Time: 22/10/2004
Centro Profesional Santa Paula

This workshop was jointly organised by the LAMNET project and the Venezuelan organisation Fundacion Momento de la Gente (FMG). The scientific programme of this event included presentations by international bioenergy experts from the LAMNET partners CENBIO (Brazil), Corpodib (Colombia), WIP (Germany), ETA (Italy) and the European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA). The objective of this workshop was to support the development of bioenergy in Venezuela and to promote the use of biomass technology applications in the industrial and agricultural sector of Venezuela.

Programme of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Caracas

Presentations of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Caracas click here

 Project Workshop on Ethanol Production and Use in Riberão Preto, Brazil

Date and Time: 14/09/2004 - 17/09/2004
Hotel JP
Anhanguera Highway km 308, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil,

This workshop was jointly organised by the LAMNET project and the
Brazilian National Center on Biomass (CENBIO) on the occasion of the
international industrial fair FENASUCRO 2004, one of the largest
technological events in the sugar and ethanol sector world-wide.

The schedule for the LAMNET workshop was a two-days meeting on
15-16 September and a visit to the fair FENASUCRO 2004 on 14 September and
(optionally) on 17 September. More information on FENASUCRO 2004 is
available at

Programme of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Riberão Preto

Download Registration Form

Presentations of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Riberão Preto click here

 LAMNET Project Workshop in Rome, Italy on the occasion of the 2nd World
 Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and
 Climate Protection

Date and Time: 09/05/2004
Palazzo dei Congressi, Rome

During the last two years the LAMNET Global Network on Bioenergy has
succeeded in setting-up a trans-national forum in Latin America, Europe,
China and Africa, which currently consists of 48 institutions (knowledge
centres and SMEs) from 24 countries worldwide, thereby involving a large
number of members with excellent expertise in the field of biomass.

This project meeting served to discuss on-going network activities as
well as future cooperation opportunities for the network partners and
interested conference delegates.

Programme of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Rome

Presentations of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Rome click here

 LAMNET Project Workshop in Beijing, P.R. China in the framework of the
 International Conference on Bioenergy and Liquid Biofuel Development and

Date and Time: 20/04/2004 - 23/04/2004
China-Europe Center for Agricultural Technology, Nongzhanbeilu
55, Beijing 100026, P.R. China

This conference was organised in cooperation with the China Association
of Rural Energy Industry (CAREI), the Chinese Ministries of Agriculture as
well as Science and Technology and the European Biomass Industry
Association (EUBIA).

The aim of this conference was to promote international cooperation and
knowledge exchange between actors from China, Europe, Africa and Latin
America in the field of liquid biofuel and other bioenergy technologies.
Thereby, a contribution to the development of commercial biomass energy
utilization in China was provided in order to achieve an improvement of
the general national and international environment situation and to offer a
valuable instrument for worldwide sustainable rural development.

Programme of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Beijing

Proceedings and Presentations of the LAMNET Project Workshop in Beijing click here


 Events of 2003


 Forum on International Cooperation on Bioenergy  
Date and Time: 28/09/2003 - 30/09/2003
Guangzhou Oriental Resort
1068 Bai Yun Av. South, Guangzhou, China

The Forum for International Cooperation met in Guangzhou, China to discuss cooperative efforts in the field of bioenergy between China, the EU and other supporting countries.
The conference brought together top experts from around the World to start the effort to promote the implementation of solutions to problems raised at the Kyoto and Johannesburg Summits, in particular two issues of considerable political interest:
  • Bioenergy as instrument of rural development
  • Biofuels for the strategic transport sector
This Forum was coordinated by the European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA) and will be organised by EUBIA in collaboration with the LAMNET project.

The programme of the Forum on International Cooperation on Bioenergy in Guangzhou focused on the following main topics and therefore complement the activities taking place at the 6th LAMNET project workshop in Dalian, China, on 24-26 September 2003:

1) Presentation of Bioenergy Project Implementations
2) Bioenergy Project Opportunities for Asian Countries
3) Financing Bioenergy Projects

This Forum on International Cooperation on Bioenergy in Guangzhou thereby replaced the International Bioenergy Forum on China-EU Cooperation which had been scheduled for April 2003 in the sequence of LAMNET activities.

Preliminary Programme of the Forum on International Cooperation on Bioenergy 

Summary of the Fifth Project Workshop in Guangzhou 

Proceedings and Presentations of the Forum on International Cooperation in Guangzhou click here


 Sixth Project Workshop in in Dalian, China
Date and Time: 24/09/2003 - 26/09/2003

The 6th LAMNET project workshop took place in the framework of the International Conference on Bioenergy Utilisation and Environment Protection Technology on 24 - 26 September in Dalian, China. The event was co-organised by the following organisations:
  • China Association of Rural Energy Industry
  • Center for Energy and Environment Protection, Ministry of Agriculture
  • Henan Agricultural University
  • Tsinghua University

The International Conference on Bioenergy Utilization and Environment Protection Technology brought together for the first time 50 specialists in China from the academic, private, government and industrial sectors. An overview of the current conditions of biomass energy use in China and in the world was presented, focusing on the availability of resources, bioenergy conversion technologies and the development of policies for the promotion and financing of bioenergy. The workshop also arranged several technical visits to biomass and bioenergy applications in the region of Dalian.

Third Announcement of the Bioenergy Conference in Dalian

Summary of the Fifth Project Workshop in Dalian 

Proceedings and Presentations of the Sixth Workshop in Dalian click here


 Fifth Project Workshop in Morelia, Michocán, México
Date and Time: 26/06/2003 - 28/06/2003

Casa de Gobierno
Paseo de la República 1500 Col. Oviedo Mota

The 5th LAMNET project workshop was organised in the framework of the International Seminar on Bioenergy and Sustainable Rural Development on 26 - 28 June 2003 in Morelia, Michoacan, México.

For the first time this international seminar co-organised by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) – Instituto de Ecologí­a, the Asociacíon Nacional de Energí­a Solar (ANES), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the State Government of Michoacan and the LAMNET project brought together more than 60 bioenergy specialists from the academic, governmental and industrial sector.

Within this seminar an overview of the current conditions of biomass energy use in México and in the world was presented, focusing on the availability of resources, bioenergy conversion technologies and the development of policies for the promotion and financing of bioenergy. Additionally, this seminar acted as an interdisciplinary forum to establish contacts and co-operation projects in the various fields of biomass and bioenergy applications.

For detailed information on the 5th LAMNET project workshop and the International Seminar on Bioenergy visit

Programme of the International Bioenergy Forum

Summary of the Fifth Project Workshop in Moreila 
- english language  (pdf-file 275 kB)

Proceedings and Presentations of the Fifth Workshop in Moreila click here


 Fourth Project Workshop in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P.R. China  

This workshop had to be postponed due to the occurance of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom (SARS) in southern China and Hongkong
Date and Time: 22/04/2003 - 25/04/2003

Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P.R. China
Programme: The International Bioenergy Forum met in Guangzhou, China to discuss cooperative efforts in the field of bioenergy between China, the EU and other supporting countries. This Forum was organized jointly by the Ministry of Environment of Guangzhou, the Guangdong University of Technology, the European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA), ETA-Florence and WIP-Munich. The conference brought together 100 top experts from around the World to start the effort to promote the implementation of solutions to problems raised at the Kyoto and Johannesburg Summits, in particular two issues of considerable political interest:

  • Bioenergy as instrument of rural development
  • Biofuels for the strategic transport sector

Preliminary programme of the International Bioenergy Forum



 Events of 2002


 Third Project Workshop in Brasilia
Date and Time: 02/12/2002 - 05/12/2002

03/12/02 - 05/12/02
National Confederation of Industry - CNI
Brazilian Banking Sector North (SBN) - Square 1 - Block C
Edificio Roberto Simonsen
70040-903 Brasilia - DF, Brazil
Programme: This workshop was organised by WIP-Munich, Germany, in collaboration with ETA-Florence, Italy, and the Brazilian National Reference Centre on Biomass - CENBIO within the framework of the LAMNET project funded by the European Commission, DG Research.

Coordinator / focal contact point:
Dr. Rainer Janssen (

Contents of the Workshop
  • Scientific contributions by members of the LAMNET project and invited speakers focused on a variety of aspects in the field of bioenergy such as innovative biofuels, sustainable biomass energy policies in Germany, biomass derived ethanol use in Costa Rica, biomass based decentralised energy supply systems and biofuel driven micro-turbines.
  • Additionally, this workshop included a Thematic Priority Session on ethanol driven fuel cells with presentations by internationally renowned experts.
  • On 2nd December 2002 a technical tour was organised to the CTC - Copersucar Technology Center, the world´s most advanced research and development center in the sugar and ethanol sector.


 Second Project Workshop in Durban
Date and Time: 19/08/2002 - 21/08/2002
Location: Kwa-Shukela Convention Centre
170 Flanders Drive, Mount Edgecombe (Durban) 
P O Box 804 Westville 3630 
Republic of South Africa
Programme: This workshop constituted a platform for dialogue between the members of the three networks and interested delegates who would like to benefit from a group of international experts. It was based on keynote presentations and offer the opportunity for discussion on crucial topics for the development and implementation of sustainable energy options in Southern Africa and other  emerging countries. 

This workshop included a technical tour on 21st August 2002 to a Sugar Processing facility. 
An elaborated document was presented to participants of the Earth Summit 2002. 

Programme of the Second Project Workshop in Durban 

- english language  (pdf-file 150 kB)

Summary of the Second Project Workshop in Durban 
- english language  (pdf-file 300 kB)

        Proceedings and Presentations of the Second Workshop in Durban click here


 First Project Workshop in Amsterdam
On the Ocassion of the 
'12th European Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection'
Date and Time: 19/06/2002   11:00 - 18:00
Location: Amsterdam RAI
International Exhibition and Congress Centre 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Programme: This workshop constituted a platform for dialogue between the members of the LAMNET network and interested delegates who would like to benefit from a group of international experts working on the application of bioenergy in Latin America and emerging countries. 

The workshop served as a kick-off meeting of the thematic network LAMNET. It was based on few keynote presentations and offer the opportunity for discussion on crucial topics for the development and implementation of policy options for the promotion of decentralised generation of bioenergy in Latin America and emerging countries.

Information Material of the First Project Workshop in Amsterdam 
- english language  (pdf-file 140 kB)

Proceedings of the First LAMNET Workshop
- Proceedings - english language  (pdf-file 380 kB)
- Photos of the Workshop - Part one (pdf-file 250 kB)
- Photos of the Workshop - Part two (pdf-file 270 kB)
- Photos of the Workshop - Part three (pdf-file 260 kB)

Power-Point-Presentations of the First LAMNET Workshop
Full package of Power-Point-Presentations (zip-file 3,5 MB)

- Contents - english language  (pdf-file 70 kB)

- Dr. Rainer Janssen, WIP, Germany
LAMNET – Latin America Thematic Network on Bioenergy (pdf-file 260 kB)

- Mr. Dirk Pottier, European Commission – DG Research
Towards a European Research Area (pdf-file 500 kB)

- Prof. José Roberto Moreira, CENBIO, Brazil
Pre-requisites for Biofuel Program promoting Sustainable Development (pdf-file 700 kB)

- Dr. Paulino Lopez, Ministerio del Azúcar, Cuba
Current and potential use for heat & power cogeneration in Cuban sugar cane industry (pdf-file 330 kB)

- Dr. Omar Masera, Instituto de Ecología, UNAM, México
Woodfuels Integrated Supplì/Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) (pdf-file 780 kB)

- Dr. Roland Geres, FutureCamp, Germany
Use of The Kyoto Mechanisms for the Market Introduction of Renewable Energies (pdf-file 640 kB)

- Dr. Peter Grimm, WIP, Germany
Overview on Biomass based Co-generation and Syngas/Hydrogen Production (pdf-file 660 kB)


 Forum on 'International Cooperation' in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
On the Ocassion of the 
'12th European Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection'

Title: 'International Cooperation between industrialised and emerging economies for the promotion of bioenergy'
Date and Time: 20/06/2002   14:30 - 18:00
Location: Amsterdam RAI
International Exhibition and Congress Centre 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Programme: This forum constituted a platform for the dialogue between different stake-holders (bioenergy experts, policy makers, donors, investors, private sector) to accelerate the deployment of bioenergy in emerging and industrialised economies. It was a unique opportunity to bring together market players and representatives from CEE countries and countries from the Southern Hemisphere and Asia. 

The main objective was to identify and obtain consensus on the key factors (political, technical and financial), which are setting the stage to facilitate market accessibility and the transfer of bioenergy technology, especially to rural areas. 

Furthermore, a possible action plan for international co-operation to accelerate the world-wide deployment of bioenergy was addressed. 

Information Material of the 'International Cooperation' Workshop in Amsterdam 
- english language  (pdf-file 90 kB)

Summary Report
- english language  (pdf-file 320 kB)


 Second Steering Committee Meeting
Date and Time: 19/06/2002   18:00 - 19:00
Location: Amsterdam RAI
International Exhibition and Congress Centre 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Programme: The 2nd LAMNET Steering Committe Meeting served to briefly evaluate past 
and present activities and brainstorm on future activities of the LAMNET 

Minutes of the Second Steering Commitee Meeting
- english language  (pdf-file 90 kB) 


 First Steering Committee Meeting
Date and Time: 05/03/2002   10:00 - 17:00
Location: EUBIA - European Biomass Industry Association
Rond-Point Schumann, 6 
040 Brussels, Belgium
  • Detailed planning of the project implementation
  • Elaboration of Thematic Priorities for the LAMNET project and project workshops
  • Selection and invitation of speakers for the project workshops 
  • Decision on location and date of other project workshops

Minutes of the First Steering Commitee Meeting
- english language  (pdf-file 40 kB)